成就自在 貝諾法王圓寂法會
The Great Accomplished One - The Cremation Ceremony of H.H.Penor Rinpoche
₪ 藏傳佛教寧瑪派第三任法王-依怙主 貝諾法王,畢生弘法數十載,對於整體佛法貢獻偉鉅,尤其對寧瑪派更是恩澤深遠,無以倫比。法王在世界各地遍灑菩提種子,弟子們無不深深感念在心。
₪ 本片由南印度南卓林寺現任住持 法王子 穆松古千仁波切監制,記錄了2009年3月27日 貝諾法王示現般涅槃到2013年5月23日荼毘大典。
₪ 「成就自在」是法王的名號,也正是法王生生世世不離眾生,乘願再來的示現。
As you all are well aware that Kyabje Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche, the 3rd Supreme throne holder of the Ngagyur Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, who had been extraordinarily contributing to Buddhism and to the Nyingma Lineage in particular. H.H .Penor Rinpoche had been spreading the seeds of Buddhi. All those who received his teachings and blessing appreciate greatly from the depth of theirs hearts.
The film was directed by H.E.Muksang Kuchen Rinpoche,it was recorded during the time from H.H.Penor Rinpoche entered Parinirvana on March 27th, 2009 to the cremation on May 23rd, 2013
The great accomplished one is what H.H.Penor Rinpoche is – the proof that H. H.Penor Rinpoche never abandon sentient beings and always comes back with his mission.
成就自在-貝諾法王圓寂法會 預告片
CD 單曲加長版 :收錄 貝諾法王最後錄音—『密咒精華』本尊諸佛菩薩心咒,包含:四皈依文、四無量心、觀音心咒、蓮師心咒、百字明咒、阿彌陀佛心咒、長壽佛心咒、藥師佛心咒、文殊心咒、回向文等。感懷法王慈悲法音,敬請珍藏。